Cooking A Turkey Breast That You Can Try At Home

Grill it, fry it or just roast it, turkey breast taste delicious, if cooked properly. Turkey being my favorite, I prefer cooking it on every alternate weekends and on special occasions. And, if you have a small family and do not want the whole turkey, try cooking only the breast part. Most people who love to spend time in the kitchen are well acquainted on how to cook turkey breast. Nevertheless, there are so many ways and tips for cooking a turkey breast that you can try at home.

Cook Turkey Breast

Needless to say, turkey breast recipes are an excellent choice for serving on holidays and parties. With some basic culinary skills and patience for preparation and cooking, you can make the best turkey recipe that you have ever tasted. And one more thing, try different methods each time you plan to cook turkey breast, some of which are:

Method #1: Cook a Turkey Breast in Oven
No wonder roasted turkey is a favorite for all. And it takes less time to cook a turkey breast roast, as compared to baking the whole turkey. Let's take a look at the steps on how to cook a turkey breast in the oven:

  • Turkey breast (1 pound per person)
  • 1 clove garlic (minced)
  • 2-4 tablespoons margarine (or unsalted butter)
  • Fresh chopped culinary herbs (sage, thyme)
  • Salt and pepper for taste
  • Baking pan and aluminum foil
Directions for Preparation

Clean and rinse turkey breast under cold running water and pat it dry. In a saucepan, melt margarine (or butter), add minced clove, salt, pepper and other freshly chopped culinary herbs. Stir well to mix the ingredients properly. With a spoon, spread the margarine mixture evenly over the entire turkey. For deep penetration of the flavorful herbs, you can loosen the skin with the help of a wooden spoon.

Preheat oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the turkey breast in the center of the aluminum foil. Wrap the foil and seal the edges properly to prevent evaporation of moisture. Then, place it on the baking pan. Bake the turkey breast for about 20 minutes per pound. Accordingly, bake turkey breast for the stipulated time. Remove the roasted turkey breast from the oven and serve it with mashed potato and cooked vegetables.

Method #2: Cook a Turkey Breast in Crock-pot
You can find several ways to cook a turkey breast in a slow cooker, which differ in ingredients as per the personal choice. The only challenge with this method is to have lots of patience. One method to cook turkey breast in a slow cooker that is worth a try is given below:

  • 4 pounds turkey breast
  • 1 large onion (diced)
  • Olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves (minced)
  • 1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
  • 1 can chicken broth (2 ½ ounces)
  • Unsalted butter (optional)
  • Salt, pepper and chili powder to taste
Directions for Preparation

Rinse and pat dry the turkey breast. For a better taste, leave the skin intact. Rub the sides of the turkey breast with olive oil. Sprinkle salt, pepper and chili powder evenly on the turkey breast and also, spread the garlic paste over it. Spray the bottom and sides of the slow cooker with butter. Lay the onion slices at the bottom of the cooker and place the turkey breast on top of them. Pour the chicken broth from the sides of the cooker, put on the lid and cook for about 8-10 hours. With a little patience, you can serve your yummy slow cooker turkey breast dish.

Method # 3: Cook a Turkey Breast on the Grill
So, you are expecting some special guests and want to cook some new recipe for turkey breast. Grilling is the best way to cook flavorful and less fatty turkey breast recipes. The basic tips to cook a turkey breast on the grill are:

  • 4 pounds turkey breast
  • 1/4 cup butter (melted)
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
Directions for Preparation

Clean the turkey breasts and pat them dry. Start the grill, for charcoal grills, bring the internal temperature to about 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Likewise, set the temperature for other grill types. Try to maintain a constant temperature throughout the grilling. Prepare and keep sauce beforehand by combining the ingredients - butter, honey, curry powder, garlic powder and mustard. Cover the grill and cook turkey breast (total cooking time 1 ½ to 2 hours). After about 1 hour of grilling, frequently brush the turkey breast with sauce till they are ready to serve. Garnish with fresh chopped thyme and parsley and serve your grilled turkey breast recipe.

Making Miso Soup From Scratch Is Very Easy As You Do

Miso soup is a very healthy option that you can have in your lunch and dinner. This is a Japanese food that is prepared from Miso paste which is made from soy. This Miso paste is added to dried seaweed and fish (dashi) and made into a refreshing hot soup. Making Miso soup from scratch is very easy as you do not require many ingredients. You can for a change try making this Japanese dish at home. Wondering how to make Miso soup at home? The following instructions will help you in making Miso soup from scratch.

How to Make Miso Soup with Tofu

There are many variations to Miso soup recipes. We shall begin with how to make Miso soup with tofu. This is a very easy to make Miso soup recipe that you can try at home.
    3 cups dashi soup stock
    3 - 4 tablespoons Miso paste
    1 block tofu
    ¼ cup chopped green onion

Method of Preparation
You need to take a non-stick pan add the dashi soup stock. On a medium flame, bring the soup stock to a boil. Then, cut the tofu into small cubes. Add these small cubes to the boiling soup. Allow tofu to simmer for a few minutes on low heat. Take about 1 cup of soup stock from the pan and dissolve the Miso paste in it. Once mixed, you need to add the Miso paste and soup stock to the soup. Continue stirring the soup and remove from heat. Now add the chopped green onions to the soup.

Tip: Never boil the soup after you add the Miso paste to it.

How to Miso Soup with Noodles
This is a scrumptious Japanese Miso soup recipe with noodles. You can enjoy a bowl of hot Miso soup on a cold winter night. Try on the following filling Miso soup with noodles recipe.

    3 ounces dried soba noodles
    2 - 4 tablespoons Miso paste
    2 - 3 ounces firm tofu chopped into ⅓ inch cubes
    Handful of watercress or spinach, well washed and stems trimmed
    2 green onions thinly sliced
    Handful of cilantro
    A pinch of red pepper flakes

Method of Preparation
Before we begin preparing our soup, we need to cook the soba noodles in salted water. Once cooked, drain out the water and place the noodles under running cold water. Now, add 4 cups water to a medium sauce pain and bring it to a boil. Reduce the flame and allow the water to simmer. Then remove from heat. In a small bowl add a little bit of hot water and add the Miso paste. Mix it well and pour this water back into the pot. You can taste the water and add more Miso paste as required. You can now add the tofu cubes and remove the soup from the heat. Allow it to stand for a few minutes. Meanwhile, split the noodles into two bowls. Pour the Miso soup and tofu over the noodles. Add the watercress, green onions, cilantro, and red pepper flakes to each bowl. Serve hot and enjoy your Miso soup.

There are many Miso soup health benefits. It is said that 3 to 4 servings of Miso soup contain antioxidants, vitamin E as well as fatty acids. It is very good to strengthen the immune system and protect one from infections. The seaweed added to the Miso soup helps in lowering blood pressure as well as cholesterol. It is also believed to contain isoflavones that helps in preventing breast cancer. You too can try making Miso soup from scratch. It is very difficult to find Miso paste, until and unless you find it in an Asian market or organic food stores. Wakame seaweed is available in Asian grocery markets and all you need is just

Tips Mencuci Sayuran

Sayuran memang baik untuk kesehatan. Namun seringkali kita bingung bagaimana untuk mencuci sayuran, bagaimana agar sayuran yang kita konsumsi bebas dari bakteri, tapi juga tidak menghilangkan vitamin-vitamin yang dikandungnya. So... Ada saran?

Mungkin beberapa tips sederhana ini dapat membantu kita:

1. Cucilah sayuran dengan air matang. Mungkin selama ini kita berpikir, mencuci sayuran dengan air matang dan air mentah itu sama saja. Tapi jangan salah, mencuci sayuran dengan air matang ternyata sama efektifnya dengan mencuci sayuran dengan sabun khusus pencuci sayur dan buah, yang tentu efektif untuk menghilangkan efek bakteri dari pestisida. Sebaliknya, mencuci dengan air mentah, terutama yang kurang bersih, justru akan meningkatkan perkembangan bakteri dalam sayuran, seperti bakteri tifus dan infeksi2 lainnya.

2. Cucilah menggunakan cuka. Cuka dipercaya dapat menghilangkan bakteri sebesar 95% dari sayur-sayuran dan buah. Anda dapat mencuci sayuran dengan larutan cuka, atau beli sabun pencuci sayuran/buah yang mengandung cuka. Jangan lupa bilas kembali dengan air matang.

3. Jangan pelit. Kadang ibu-ibu suka "pelit" (dalam tanda kutip) dalam membersihkan sayuran. Maksudnya, kita seringkali memakai lapisan terluar dari sayuran, pikir kita, sayang donk kalau dibuang. Ternyata, untuk sayur yang berlapis-lapis, kita wajib membuang lapisan terluarnya, karena itu dipercaya bagian yang paling sering disemprot pestisida. Juga jangan lupa memilih bagian-bagian sayuran, yang bernoda susah hilang, yang sudah mulai membusuk, lebih baik kita buang. Cuci bagian luar sayuran dengan seksama, jangan sampai ada kotoran dan tanah yang tertinggal.

Demikianlah beberapa tips membersihkan dan mencuci sayuran. Mari kita jaga kesehatan kita dan keluarga. Selamat mencoba ... ^^

Cah Sawi Telur

Segar dan renyahnya sawi hijau dicampur dengan rasa telur yang kenyal
Campuran rasa istimewa tapi sederhana ini
cocok kita praktekkan  sebagai sarapan sehat keluarga
Selamat mencoba... ! ^ ^ 

2 ikat sawi hijau segar
2 butir telur, kocok lepas
½ suing bawang Bombay
2 siung bawang putih
2 sdt tepung kanji, larutkan dengan air
Air secukupnya
Minyak secukupnya
Penyedap dan garam secukupnya

Cara membuat:
1. Rajang bawang putih dan bawang Bombay
2. Cuci sawi hijau dan potong-potong
3. Panaskan minyak, lalu tumis bawang putih dan bawang Bombay hingga layu
4. Tepikan ke pinggir wajan, lalu masukkan kocokan telur, orak-arik
5. Setelah telur matang, campur kembali dengan tumis bawang
6. Masukkan sawi, aduk-aduk rata
7. Tambahkan air, penyedap dan garam, tunggu mendidih, aduk-aduk
8. Setelah mendidih, tambahkan larutan kanji
9. Siap dihidangkan

Cap Cay Sederhana

Sayur-sayuran memang baik untuk kesehatan
Namun seringkali anak kita tidak menyukainya
Resep cap cay yang sederhana namun tasty ini 
akan membantu anak kita menyukai sayur-sayuran
Selamat mencoba...! ^ ^
2 buah wortel
1 ikat sawi hijau
½ brokoli jika ada
2 buah sosis
5 butir bakso sapi
1 cabe merah besar
½ siung bawang Bombay
2 siung bawang putih
2 sdt tepung kanji, larutkan dengan air
Penyedap dan garam secukupnya
Gula sedikit
Minyak goreng secukupnya
Air secukupnya

Cara Membuat:
1. Potong-potong sayuran dengan rapi
2. Rajang bawang putih, cabe merah dan bawang Bombay
3. Potong-potong sosis dan bakso sesuai selera
4. Setelah semua bahan siap, panaskan minyak, masukkan bawang putih,
bawang Bombay dan cabe merah
5. Tumis hingga layu, masukkan bakso dan sosis, aduk-aduk rata
6. Masukkan wortel, aduk-aduk sebentar, lalu masukkan sawi hijau
7. Aduk-aduk, jika wortel sudah lunak, masukkan air secukupnya
8. Masukkan penyedap rasa, gula dan garam, aduk-aduk hingga mendidih
9. Masukkan kanji yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air, aduk-aduk, hidangkan

Fu Yung Hai Sederhana

Pengen banget buat fu yung hai, tapi waktu dan uang nggak cukup?
Fu Yung Hai sederhana ini jawabannya... 
Memang sangat sederhana, tapi rasanya... hmm, yummy...
Selamat mencoba...! ^ ^
3 butir telur ayam
1 buah wortel
½ suing bawang Bombay
1 buah bawang daun
Untuk saus:
¼ gelas saos tomat/cabai
½ sdm tepung kanji, campur dengan air
Penyedap rasa dan gula secukupnya
½ suing bawang Bombay
Kacang polong (jika ada)

Cara membuat:
1. Potong wortel tipis-tipis memanjang
2. Rajang  bawang Bombay dan bawang daun tipis-tipis
3. Kocok telur dan campur dengan wortel dan bawang tadi
4. Tambahkan penyedap dan garam
5.  Goreng dalam minyak sedang sampai kecoklatan
Untuk Saus:
1. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang Bombay sampai wangi
2. Masukkan saos tomat/cabai lalu aduk-aduk sebentar
3. Masukkan air secukupnya
4. Tambahkan penyedap rasa dan gula (kalau ada kacang polong masukkan)
5. Aduk sampai mendidih, lalu campurkan tepung kanji yang sudah dilarutkan dengan air
6. Aduk-aduk sampai mengental

Tumis Tempe Kacang Panjang

Resep yang sederhana, tapi menggoyang lidah.
Tumis tempe kacang panjang yang renyah dan manis, cocok untuk dimakan saat lunch
Sajikan untuk bekal makan siang suami
Selamat mencoba...! ^ ^

1 papan tempe
2 ikat kacang panjang
2 buah cabe merah
2 siung bawang putih
Kecap manis, garam, gula secukupnya
Minyak goreng dan air secukupnya

Cara Membuat:
1.       Rajang bawang putih halus, potong-potong miring cabe merah
2.       Potong-potong tempe bentuk dadu
3.       Potong-potong kacang panjang
4.       Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih
5.       Masukkan cabe merah
6.       Masukkan tempe, tumis sampai setengah matang
7.       Masukkan kacang panjang, tumis lagi hingga matang
8.       Masukkan air secukupnya, tambahkan kecap manis, garam dan gula secukupnya
9.       Aduk-aduk sampai mendidih
10.   Siap dihidangkan